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Hengmao international Metropolis launched the first children's hand-painted kite parent-child activity



(Yang Lianyu) spring is warm, love is in spring. On April 19, in the sunny spring, Hengmao international metropolis Management Office launched the first children's hand-painted kite "let love ripple in the spring, laughter reverberate in the spring wind" parent-child activity, let the children feel the joy and interest of spring, experience the joy of practice, enhance the communication and communication between parents and children, and enjoy the warmth of family affection. Children use paintbrushes to paint their dreams and wishes on kites, so that kites can start flying and flying dreams in the spring breeze!


Accompanied by their parents, the children give full play to their talents and draw their favorite pictures and colors on the kite with colored pens. They feel that they are the best at this moment. Parents also gained childlike innocence and happiness in the activities!
