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International metropolises hold New Year's Day cultural and artistic performances


On the afternoon of December 29, 2023, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the International Metropolitan Community launched a major New Year's Day cultural and artistic performance, which had been suspended for three years. Nearly three hours of program performance, with a colorful stage and everyone dressed up to attend, singing and dancing.



Accompanied by the warm winter sunshine, the performance of "Dragon Dance" officially kicked off the event. The fast-paced performance "Hengxing Property is Top notch" meticulously planned by the owner, full of praise; The programs such as "Red Army Warriors Missing Mao Zedong", "Pink and Ink Flower Dan", and "Tai Chi" showcased the spirit and spirit of the community residents. The event came to a successful conclusion amidst the singing and dancing of "Our Life is Full of Sunshine" performed by everyone together.


This cultural performance has enriched the cultural life of community residents and created a civilized, harmonious, festive and peaceful festive atmosphere in the community, which has been well received by homeowners.
